Wednesday, March 9, 2011

to Lent or not to Lent

I've been thinking a ton lately about how I use my time. It seems to be going faster and faster. I look at the clock and twenty minutes has ticked away without me noticing or doing anything productive let alone for the glory of God.  So, today being Lent, which I confess until now I haven't known much about, it's time to look how I use the precious gift of time. Of all the places I most uselessly waste my time facebook is at the top of the list. Fb in defensive is a great way to pass along info, connect with people that once graced my days, or simply a platform to ministry. However, it has become a place time escapes me. I can boldly snoop through peoples lives, misinterpret "friends" as life giving friends and put off important tasks competing for my attention. I've been entertaining the idea of a blog for a while. And well...

I am beyond convicted I am not using my time, a resource God has given me, wiesely or intentionally. 

I'm challenging myself to spend the next 40 days off facebook and have this be the platform for my journey. A place to share prayer and devotion as I try to grasp the amazing life of Jesus and His Resurrection. A desert of sorts away from the comfort and temptation of being in the know of facebook. 

Because truthfully is that what God wants for me? I've never observed Lent before and it's not something our home Church formally observes either. While looking for resources on Lent this morning I found this and a friend sent me this article I started reading Matthew 4:1-2 'Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. For forty days and forty nights he fasted and became hungry.' (NLT) I am definitely led by the Holy Spirit to take a look at how I use my time. I pray it creates a hunger in me like none other. To seek His face. Repent. Turn. Run. To Him. For what He desires for my life.

Is there something tempting you? Taking you away from knowing Him? What will you do about it? How do you use your time? Have you given up something for Lent? Share.

O Lord, begin with me. Here. Now.
